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Switching Offices

It’s official. I moved my office upstairs into a fun little room a little over a month ago. While the ceilings are shorter it provides more leg room for me when I work and more room for storage. What massage room needs 12 foot ceilings anyway? It’s coming together slowly – I like taking my […]

New Intraoral Massage Service

A few weeks ago I took a continuing ed class covering intraoral work. It was awesome. I’m so glad I took it and am super excited to start integrating it into my work. I’ll be writing more in depth information for my website soon. But for now I’ll leave you with this info – intraoral […]

Price Change

It’s November now, so that means that my price raise has come into effect. Everything across the board is raised by $5, except added essential oils. Rick and I ran through the website and changed all the prices, though do let us know if you see a place that uses an old price in case […]

Rate Increase

In the last few months I’ve been fighting with myself over my massage prices. After lots of time hemming and hawing I’ve come to the conclusion that in response increasing prices I’ve been experiencing, the time has come to raise my rates. As of November 1st everything will go up by $5. Thank you for […]


In clearing out my junk emails and I noticed that I get insane amounts of spam posts on my blog. It’s not really a big deal, except I’m concerned I might miss legitimate posts from real people. So if that has happened to you, I apologize. Feel free to email me with your question or […]

Doctor’s Referrals

I do a fair amount of insurance work now. When navigating how to use massage benefits it can be strangely unclear in some areas. The big one is doctor’s referrals. Many insurances require a prescription. However, there are those plans that don’t. Instead they vaguely state that it must it medically necessary for them to […]

The Dupont Building

My building is being painted! Perhaps it’s not the most exciting thing in the world but just for those of you whom stop by my website – the building won’t be purple for much longer. It’s being painted before this lovely weather disappears. So as you are heading in for your next appointment pay attention […]


I thought I’d make a post about why I’m changing my hours a bit. For the longest time I worked Monday-Friday roughly 10-6pm, then in the last few months with more insurance people coming in I narrowed down my Tuesday to evenings only. A couple of weeks ago, I decided after doing a little work […]

6 Massage Therapists Facing Charges

Bellevue, WA – 6 individuals are under investigation for fraud for unlawfully obtaining and holding massage therapy licenses. The Bellevue police believe that these 6 people gave false information on their massage therapist practitioner applications. The investigation has uncovered that a counterfeit Chinese school was also used on the application. The investigation uncovered that the […]

Getting the most out of your first massage – Communication

How to get the most out of your first massage with a new massage therapist or your first massage ever. I was thinking about this the other day. If you are forced to find a new massage therapist because yours moves away, has a baby or just takes some time off, it can be frustrating […]