Switching Offices

It’s official. I moved my office upstairs into a fun little room a little over a month ago. While the ceilings are shorter it provides more leg room for me when I work and more room for storage. What massage room needs 12 foot ceilings anyway?
It’s coming together slowly – I like taking my time decorating. To find me now all you will have to do is go up the stairs that were next to my old room. My new place in the only door on the left. There is a little waiting room upstairs and stuff for water or tea if you get to your appointment early. Feel free to take a gander upstairs if you in the neighborhood!


New Intraoral Massage Service

A few weeks ago I took a continuing ed class covering intraoral work. It was awesome. I’m so glad I took it and am super excited to start integrating it into my work. I’ll be writing more in depth information for my website soon. But for now I’ll leave you with this info – intraoral massage can be helpful for many different people, those with jaw pain or tension, TMJD, headaches, neck problems, and more. Like your feet, your jaw never really gets a break yet it’s expected to help you eat, speak etc. If you add in gum chewing, facial trauma, or orthodontic work, the jaw can loose mobility, give you pain, and even cause your head to hurt. If you have questions about the work or whether or not you should try it feel free to ask!


Price Change

It’s November now, so that means that my price raise has come into effect. Everything across the board is raised by $5, except added essential oils. Rick and I ran through the website and changed all the prices, though do let us know if you see a place that uses an old price in case we missed one. My in office price list will also be updated as well.
Thank you all for understanding my need to do this!



In clearing out my junk emails and I noticed that I get insane amounts of spam posts on my blog. It’s not really a big deal, except I’m concerned I might miss legitimate posts from real people. So if that has happened to you, I apologize. Feel free to email me with your question or comment if it doesn’t show up on the blog.

That’s all for now!


Doctor’s Referrals

I do a fair amount of insurance work now. When navigating how to use massage benefits it can be strangely unclear in some areas. The big one is doctor’s referrals. Many insurances require a prescription. However, there are those plans that don’t. Instead they vaguely state that it must it medically necessary for them to use their benefit. Since massage therapists aren’t allowed to diagnose to whom does it fall to decide when something is medically necessary?

For the last several months I’ve been struggling with this gray area. Instead of waiting for a problem arise, I’ve decided to be proactive. I’m requiring people with insurance that says they don’t require a referral to get one, or at the very least a note from their doctor that says they should seek massage therapy.
While this may be inconvenient in the beginning I feel it’s very important. This will help to protect both myself and any of my insurance clients. If for some reason the insurance company wants to make sure there is a legitimate problem that little piece of paper will prove that the client wasn’t using their benefits incorrectly. If an insurance company deems that benefits were used when they should not have been they can require the provider (me) to pay them back for what was paid out. That leaves the client/patient responsible for covering the cost of those massages. I don’t want that to happen to me and I don’t want to put any of my clients in that position. My thought is a little pro-activity never hurt anyone. Thank you for understanding!


The Dupont Building

My building is being painted! Perhaps it’s not the most exciting thing in the world but just for those of you whom stop by my website – the building won’t be purple for much longer. It’s being painted before this lovely weather disappears.
So as you are heading in for your next appointment pay attention it’s going to look a little different outside!

~ Melissa


Oh my word, it feels like there has been construction going on around my office for months. I’m not actually sure as to how long ago it started, but it seems to be far from done. I’m still working though and my clients are troopers! Thanks guys!

A couple of instructions for navigating the construction. First it extends from Dupont, down Elm, all way down Northwest. Sections are being closed off depending on what in the world they are doing. So take this into consideration when heading down for a massage.
Use the side streets – we have lots! Leave a bit early because you never know if you’ll get caught in traffic. And just in case the day you come in it’s crazy on my section of Dupont – there is a decent amount of parking on the side streets such as down G St. Or maybe bike or walk, sometimes it’s easier to get around on two wheels or feet. And finally breathe. It can’t last forever. It’s July so chances are it’s sunny now – enjoy the sun while waiting. 😀 If you are late oh well. It happens, and it won’t happen all the time.

Thanks so much!


I wanted to leave a short post letting everyone know that I will be out of town and unable to return emails or phone calls from Tuesday June 19th until Tuesday June 26th. I’ll be back to work as normal on the 27th and will get back to anyone then.
Thanks for your understanding!